1. Background

Mozambique is a highly susceptible country to risks and disasters. According to Global Climate Risk Index (2021), Mozambique in 2019 falls in first place amongst the African countries that are most vulnerable to disasters such as, floods, droughts and cyclones among the most frequent and recurrent disasters.

A variety of factors contribute to the high vulnerability of Mozambique against the natural hazards, namely (i) its location along the Rift Valley (one of the regions with the highest seismic activities), (ii) the vast coastal area with about 60 percent of the population and the country’s largest school network of about 2470 km (bordering one of the most active cyclonic basins southwest of the Indian Ocean), (iii) the extensivehydrographic network that guarantees food subsistence and livelihood for the majority of the Mozambican families, with nine (9) rivers of international importance flowing in the Indian Ocean, above average rainfall- largely due to tropical depressions or cyclones – and poor management of dams either in the national territory or in the countries where the rivers cause large floods that occur regularly in Mozambique.

In this sense, the United Nations for Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) in Mozambique has been working with the Government of Mozambique in supporting several institutions such as: National Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (INGD), Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MOPHRH), Provincial and District Governments, among others.

In the context of the implementation of safer school, hospitals and housing infrastructures, UN-Habitat has been supporting MISAU, MEC and MOPHRH and other partners to strengthen the resilience of public infrastructures, such as schools, hospitals and housing regarding to disasters in three ways: Normative, demonstrative interventions and testing new approaches to retrofit and repair existing infrastructures, and design and implementation of resilient reconstruction programmes and/or projects.

Also, the activities of UN-Habitat have progressively come to include policy-support, the revision of building codes, the support in construction of community and disaster adaptive public buildings in cities and communities of Gaza, Zambézia, Nampula, Maputo, Inhambane, Cabo Delgado and Sofala provinces.

Its portfolio includes national, local and community level activities, as well as the cooperation with, several UN agencies, such UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR, IOM and others.

Recognizing that disasters disproportionately affect women, girls, persons with disabilities, and vulnerable populations, and that reconstruction efforts must prioritize safety, dignity, and accessibility, UN-Habitat is committed to integrating gender sensitivity, PSEA, and disability inclusion into all aspects of its work. This commitment is particularly critical in the context of resilient infrastructure development in disaster-prone regions like Zambézia Province.

To support the resilient (re)construction activities in the Mozambique Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Resilient Projects, UN-Habitat Mozambique is looking for a qualified (1) National Architect for Zambézia Province, and with experience and knowledge in resilient infrastructures with adaptative measures, that should be recruited within a Service Contract (SC), for the period indicated above.

  1. Objectives of the post

The Provincial Reconstruction Supervisor will contribute to the organization of all technical assistance related to the design, implementation, and monitoring of the project, as well as the development and delivery of training modules on resilient infrastructure. The Supervisor will ensure that all activities are conducted with a strong focus on gender sensitivity, PSEA, and disability inclusion, promoting safe, inclusive, and accessible reconstruction. It will develop local capacity through training for local technicians, master builders, local contractors, and communities to strengthen coordination mechanisms with government entities at all levels.

  1. Duties and responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of the Building Back Better Climate Resilience Portfolio Pilar Coordinator and the Head of Office of UN-Habitat Mozambique and its respective sub-offices Representatives, the Provincial Reconstruction Supervisor will fulfil the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Bring technical support for the design of architectural solutions, through an innovative and low-cost approach responding to the existing needs in risk-prone zones ensuring designs consider the specific needs and safety of women, girls, and persons with disabilities.
  • Deliver technical assistance to the partners of Mozambique Disaster Risk Management and Resilient Program and in the elaboration of architectural solutions in resilient infrastructure integrating gender- sensitive, PSEA-compliant, and disability-inclusive design principles.
  • Gather field data collection, elaborate measurements, budgets and specifications, as well as participate in the processes of acquisition of materials and equipment. During data collection, ensure inclusive participation and gather data on gender-specific needs, potential risks of SEA, and accessibility requirements
  • Support UN-Habitat’s team in the meetings of the Mozambique Disaster Risk Management and Resilient Program at provincial and district level.
  • Conduct periodic monitoring visits to the locations where the project is being implemented, to assist the related government field technicians and partners. During monitoring, assess compliance with gender-sensitive design, PSEA standards, and accessibility requirements.


  • Organize and conduct training sessions for local government technicians, master builders, community members and other stakeholders involved in the projects. Integrate modules on gender sensitivity, PSEA, and disability inclusion into all training programs, ensuring accessibility for all participants.
  • Support UN-Habitat’s team in the conception, design and elaboration of materials contributing to readiness to cyclones, floods, droughts, earthquakes, as well as materials raising awareness.
  • Write monthly reports on the activities conducted and other reports required by the donors or by the implementation partners.

Actively promote awareness of PSEA policies and reporting mechanisms among construction workers and community members.

Ensure that all community consultations and engagement processes are inclusive and accessible to women, girls, and persons with disabilities,

  1. Qualifications/Experience/Skills


  • Minimum from 10 years of working experience with relevant knowledge of housing/public building construction in particular school infrastructure in flood, cyclone, earthquake and drought-prone areas
  • Working experience in emergency and disaster risk reduction construction works is an advantage
  • Working experience in overseeing processes and project of construction of Public Buildings
  • Working experience in small towns and remote rural areas, including public consultation and community involvement

Demonstrated understanding of gender equality principles, PSEA, and disability inclusion and their application in construction projects.

Experience in implementing gender-sensitive, PSEA-compliant, and disability-inclusive measures in humanitarian or development contexts is highly desirable.


  • Solid computer skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.), AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign among others architectural design software’s
  • Capacity to analyze and synthesize information
  • Ability to work independently with a high degree of responsibility, in a flexible manner and often under pressure
  • Ability to conduct interviews and trainings
  • Good communication skills and capacities to lead and to coordinate with partners

Ability to facilitate inclusive community consultations and training sessions, ensuring accessibility for all.”

Demonstrated ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information related to PSEA.

Knowledge of accessibility standards and best practices for persons with disabilities.


  • University degree in Architecture or equivalent degree in a related field


  • Good knowledge of Portuguese, and professional working proficiency in English is desirable
  • License driver is an advantage

Willingness to adhere to UN-Habitat’s Code of Conduct, including strict adherence to PSEA policies

  1. Contacts and Submission

For the interested candidates, please share your CV to the below address with the following subject:

“Candidate for the vacancy of Provincial Reconstruction Supervisor of Zambézia”

Date for submission of application: 28th of March 2025

Electronic address for submission of application: unhabitat-moz@un.org